Human economy

"For a human, integral, united and participative development in harmony with the living"


Belgian friends want to know more about the Human Economy Toutes les actions (EN)

Young French people speak out on Human Economy


JINOV is an association that brings together professionals and volunteers from the West of France who animate various forms of popular education with young people. JINOV has been involved in the life of the RIEH for several years, notably because Jean-Pierre Dardaud, a leading animator of the association, has played a very active role in the writing of the book Paths of Human economy. JINOV organized in 2016 and 2017 several workshops and meetings proposing to young people to express themselves on the human economy, not after a presentation but spontaneously from their representation of the economy and the human.


A meeting was held on 2 March 2018 in Saumur between the animators of JINOV and Michel Tissier, Executive Secretary of the RIEH to learn from these workshops.

These were young people in transition between education and employment, or rather job search, as this is a long, difficult and precarious process. They expressed themselves in particular through small theatrical improvisations about what they themselves experienced or saw around them which appeared to them to be significant of the human or inhuman nature of the economy.


The most surprising is that they are mostly sensitive, positively or negatively to the quality of relationships in working life. Are they listened to, considered, recognized? Is there a relaxed or stressed work environment? Are the working conditions of quality?  A human economy is first seen by this prism rather than by that of wages or even precariousness.




Situations considered inhumane by young people:

In a factory, the team leader blames the trainee for not working as fast as the storekeeper he assists. The latter takes the leader's side. They fail to point out that the trainee is less well equipped than the storekeeper to do the job.

during a job interview, the manager gradually makes understand to the applicant that there will be no pay slips. The worker accepts the offer by ensuring that "the black does not scare him". A few weeks later, as a victim of a work accident, the worker finds himself in the hospital where he is asked what his social security coverage is.



Some verbatim:

- " The economy is producing something, goods or services; The capitalist economy aims to produce money; Human economy to produce human well-being.

- " The economy does not allow to be human." Human errors at work are not accepted (delay, personal problem,... lazy)

- " Before there were religions; Now we live in a capitalist society; We are driven to acquire more and more goods "

- " We are all human at the base; When one associates money and individualism, self-interest, it is inhumane.

- " The more the employees are fulfilled, the more productive they are; Then we must find the balance between production and the human being "

- ” All the people who work are important; If everyone is considered important, the company works better "

- " When you work in a large group you can be taken for robots; In small companies we have better recognition "

- " I see the human economy in someone who works on his account by being passionate without scamming others "

- " When there is a real teamwork in a climate of kindness and sharing "

- " When a working collective adapts to the constraints of its members"


The following definition was given :

" The human economy is :


- an objective: the economy in the service of the human being

- a framework: respect, recognition of diversity, regulation

- a process that mobilises different forms of value (money, time, skills...) And who is paying attention to people, to the fact that a human is alive.


The main conclusion: the human economy is of interest to young people. Let us continue to let them speak and act with them so that the world would be closer to their aspirations.


